
SINA Weibo

SINA Weibo

Ai You Philanthropy+—A Venture Philanthropy Program


Ai You Philanthropy + is a venture philanthropy project launched by Ai You in June 2013. Based on our experience and resources, we support social organizations by providing funds, expanding resources repertoire, offering strategic consultation, delivering training on management (human resources, financial affairs and information technology) and organizing branding activities. We help them become more efficient and influential. By the end of 2017, the Ai You venture philanthropy project has helped over 100 organizations in 91 sub-categories of eight major charity areas.


Ai You Philanthropy+ leverages our experience and existing models for assessing capacity of charity organizations to develop together with Ernst & Young Global Limited our own model for assessing philanthropic projects before and after investment. This model is used to select, monitor projects and assess capacity building after investment. We also optimize funding options and profiles based on accumulating data. The model includes four modules, namely influence, strategic significance, implementation and leadership. The modules are further divided into 10 level one indexes, 32 level two indexes and 101 evaluating points.


In 2017, Ai You Philanthropy +set up the first venture fund in charity in China, Ai You Philanthropy VC Plan besides the existing “Philanthropy+Partnership” and “Philanthropy+Maker” models. This new model can pool effort from more donors to help promising new organizations to grow. Through large-scale, efficient and sustainable programs, we hope to coordinate effort from different levels of society and different players in charity to address social concerns.